{the calm before the storm: a peony shower on my laptop}
{pie and cobbler baking}
{cake and pie prep in murph's dreamy kitchen}
{rainy day rehearsal dinner accessories + fleet week}
{day before the wedding picnic in brooklyn bridge park}
{reception details}
{the action at the kid table}
{cocktails and cookies}
{the dessert spread}
{laughing + twirling}
{and off they go in search of a cab, followed by a very determined caterer}
Remember when I mentioned that my roommate was moving out to become a Mrs.? Well, this past weekend she did just that. They were married on Monday, so the whole weekend was full of fun wedding build up. From baking (cakes and cobblers, and assisting with three peach pies) to rehearsing to picnicking and catching up with friends who have moved away. The wedding itself was just lovely. With seersucker, vintage doilies, a 40s-style jazz band and a table full of pie, it somehow felt appropriate for Memorial Day, without feeling theme-y at all.
Congrats, Megan & Derek!
Congrats, Megan & Derek!