You guys are listening to Kimbra, right? I feel like she's all over the place these days, so I doubt I'm the first to tell you, but if you need an album to shake you out of a funk (musical, mood, or otherwise) please go purchase her EP
My friend Murph introduced me to Kimbra by making me watch her "crazy dancing video with creepy dolls" of the same song she performed at SXSW, Settle Down. I'm obsessed with how she sings "Nebraska, Nebraska Jones." Any music you're are listening to on repeat lately?
Update: also, watch this one. It's official, I'm obsessed with her.
Top video via Maggie at Mighty Girl.
oh my goodness. I have become obsessed with her over the past couple of weeks. I love Settle Down, Cameo Lover, Good Intent and her duet with Gotye in Someone that you used to Know. All soo so good.